Myrkulla is located in swedish Lapland, near the polar circle (Artic Circle), in the middle between Arvidsjaur and Arjeplog which are well-known winter test resorts of the international automobile industry. It is a former farm which was once used for agricultural business and in the recent past only for forestry business which is obvious surrounded by these big wood lands.
In the last years Myrkulla is becoming more an more an attraction to our guests whether they are coming for fishing, hunting, relaxing or seeking adventures. It is also suitable for guests with dogs.
Every time of the year there will be a wonderful experience. In the summer time the sun is not going down all day long. In the winter time the chance of seeing and observing the polar lights is very high because of the exposed position. In the spring time nature is switching in a very short time from icecold winter to sunny sommer and flora and fauna are awakening. And in the autumn time the colour of the leaves is changing to an incomparable “Indian Summer”. In the summer the temperatures can reach, against all prejudice, sunny and summerlike values. Days with 25° Celsius are no curiosity. But in the winter the temperatures can fall to very frosty values. At night the temperatures can fall down to – 35 ° Celsius but with the correct clothing you can experience an unforgettable atmosphere. There is not much which is more romantic than celebrating Christmas or New Year’s Eve in Lapland.
Rendeers, elks and bears are only a small part of animals which can be experienced in the virgin nature of Lapland. The ones who are lucky to see an elk or a bear in the wild will never forget it. But all the other small animals and the countless birds will delight our guests too.
Myrkulla with its 196 hectares, three lakes and the surrounding forrests will be the right place for every guest. If you do not miss the urban ambience but like to enjoy virgin nature then welcome to Myrkulla. A special holiday far from stress, bustle and hecticness is waiting for you. Let your soul rest, escape the allday stress, power up your body and soul and enjoy the pure beauty of nature.
No matter in which time of the year we invite you to Myrkulla for relaxing and regenerating.